Most people want to learn how to sleep better. We have busy lives and want to make the most out of the hours of sleep we do get. But we have actually been fooled into thinking that 8 hours of sleep is the best amount of time for the most restful night of sleep, instead look to your internal clock. Sleeping by your REM sleep cycle times will allow you to sleep smarter so you wake up feeling refreshed and leave that snooze button alone.

The REM Sleep Cycle Basics
Your body goes through 4 stages of sleep to complete one full sleep cycle, which takes approximately 90 minutes. The average adult needs about 4-5 sleep cycles (6-9 hours) in one night to feel rested and energized for the next day. The latter stages of your sleep cycle
REM Sleep Cycle Times
Respecting your body’s natural REM sleep cycle will enable you to wake up feeling rested, even when it’s a lesser amount of sleep than you may desire every once in a while. Most sleep sources recommend sticking to the average 90 minute sleep cycle increments (i.e. 6 hours, 7.5 hours, or 9 hours) to wake up more easily. Please note: each person’s body is different and so are sleep cycles, so listen to your body and what it is telling you -- always.

"Sleep Hypnogram" by
How To Sleep Better Tip: Sleep Masks
As early as 12 years old I had problems sleeping. I knew that the constant light streaming

Through trial and error I developed a luxurious sleep mask that has changed my sleep forever. Now my life’s purpose is to pass on this sleep solution and teach others how to sleep better. Try out sleeping with your body’s REM sleep cycle times this week and let me know how you feel.
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